This is a human issue, not a race one. What happened to 6 million of them? thats the label the brits give them. So for me. good response Gary for putting a Blog into perspective. England continued to ship tens of thousands of Irish slaves for more than a century. First, there was intermarriage in early America before slavery. When Britainnia was taken over by the English (Germans) they immediately attacked the Irish and Scots and deported these black people to the West Indies, the women that remained were raped and whitenised by the red haired German invaders. Take their bone head, broad cranium, drunken, red neck selves and lie to somebody else. Notable Flanagans include actor Tommy Flanagan and actress Crista Flanagan. That is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. It became a first name in the nineteenth century, and was used in Ireland to anglicise Duald, Dubhdaleithe (black man of the two sides), and Dubhdara. McClure here and I am proud of my black and Irish ancestry. Reblogged this on familytreegirldotcom and commented: Anglicized form of the Irish name Donndubhin meaning "descendant of Donndubn ". Are the Australian Aborigines to be categorized in this same way although, willingly or unwillingly, they didnt participate in the same slave trade and share no (at least within the past several thousand years) common history with the African Blacks? Leo Whelan was an acclaimed Irish portrait painter. There are no dates for these events, because these were not, and are not, issues faces by Irish slaves and Irish indentured servants. After the Armada of 1588, Spanish soldiers married Irish women and integrated into society. Other names. On December 21, 1988 Jesse Jackson and a group of other black leaders officialy declared their support for the term African American. Well than do research and prove yourself right instead of arguing out of not knowing. also England is a lot rougher place to live than Ireland the ira keep the drugs out of catholic communitys. How hypocritical but typical of the current climate in this country. Famous Doyles include writer and creator of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle, and novelist and screenwriter Roddy Doyle. After they were freed, when their slave trade ended, they were made overseers, given african slaves, made to believe they were part of the white establishment. They changed things to cover up the greed, it is that cover up that is racism today. American blues guitarist B. Where the Black Irish really came from and no, it wasnt the Spanish Armada, Mariah Careys Black Irish liquor cannot be sold in Ireland due to legal battle, International Irish Coffee Day: The history and recipe of Irish coffee. In terms of our subject matter, the first major invasion would have been the Norman invasions from European countries in Ireland in 1170 and 1172. The Anglo-Saxon offspring he openly acknowledged. Great article. I would love to know who you are to me , I want to know my roots from the mother of all mothers Africa .The Carrolls missing abd forgotten children.. Wrong. The most famous OFarrell is actress Bernadette OFarrell. A total of 455,000 Africans out of 12.5 million were brought to America from the 17th century till it stopped in 1820. No one in the homeland was safe. go and watch the black irish of monsaretti they are proud of there irish hertiage and know that there ancsters were from ireland and africa. Des Ekins The Stolen Village is about the village of Baltimore where this in particular happened. And there, my friends, you have the truth of the matter. Still, you probably ask your colleague or friend its meaning, and theyre likely to draw a blank. Modern examples of Irish/African being Barack Obama, Muhammad Ali, Dr Martin Luther King, Dr Henry Louis Gates, Colin Powell etc Even in modern times the two groups live in a lot of the same places, vote the same way politically, and both historically have been devalued unfairly by the Romanized world. Actress Kristen Bell is one of the most famous people with this name. The Irish and Scots-Irish did indeed own slaves in America and many of their emancipated slaves took their surname. Other aspects of racism and bigotry are far too complicated to touch on here. The two terms, slave and indentured servant, should not be interchanged. The largest number of Irish descendants reside in the United States, while in Australia, those sharing in Irish ancestry account for a higher percentage of the population than in any other country, except Ireland. However, most Blacks in the USA dont have to deal with slavery. 7. I guess thats why they call it history. If youre essentially dying a slow death, it might as well be slavery. This story has been circulated amongst white supremacist sites and through social media, has found its way into mainstream conservative consciousness. Like many ancient lands, Ireland has seen the arrival of settlers, explorers, ancient tribes, and clans of all different nationalities over centuries. The term " black Irish " refers to persons of Irish descent who are supposed to be descendants of the Spanish Armada, which sailed around the middle of the 15th century, and had dark hair and or eyes. But even also his own people as a mere result of the kind of things that happen when the wicked are in rule? Paris Donnatella is an avid writer and traveller. But it seems that your fellow Irish forgot both about the atrocities done to them and working side by side with African slaves. Ryan (30795) Rounding out the Top 40, here are the next 30 most common names among African-Americans and Caribbean people: Taylor (Jayceon Terrel Taylor "The Game") Wilson (Charlie Wilson) Moore (Shemar Moore) White (Barry White) Lewis (Carl Lewis) Walker (Jimmie J. J. Walker) Green (Al Green) Thompson (Kenan Thompson) Washington (Denzel Washington) I never heard of Irish chattel slavery until the last few years. I have been unsuccessful with finding all the data you have, will you please site the sources from your research? The Counter-Revolution of 1776: slave resistance and the origins of the United States of America. And yes, it is as long as its title.Im still trying to wade through it. The term "Black Irish" has been in circulation among Irish emigrants and their descendants for centuries. We know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade. Well never know for sure. The Huns and Mongols did it. I can say MacIntyre, I dont know what a Mwanajna is, Ill call you Mo. Similar to many of the Americanized name changes coming through Ellis Island. Many people tend come to the belief that African Blacks were the only ones in the entire world to fall victim to Slavery. There is, also, very little question that those brown, tanned faces you witness in your travels to the West Indies are very likely a combination of African and Irish ancestry. And it is entirely possible that they formed families with the native peoples there, or when the slaves were finally freed by England in the English colonies of the West Indies, in the 1830s, with them and that could be how so many African Americans have Irish surnames. But during the times of slavery in America the Irish people (in Ireland) were subjected to the penal laws, which I suspect were similar the the Jim Crow laws. THATS why many Irish treated blacks in America and its also why many blacks treated Irish badly. In fact, many Norman invasion families grew to amend their family names (surnames) to reflect this. I have to go back and check to see if the word slave is even in it. I understand what youre saying ny brother. I have a very Irish last nameMurphy, enjoy and thanks for sharing Konnetta! the diffrence is the irish support other oppressed nations not cry that they were treated worst. They include Ardagh, Athy, Bray, Kelly, Sutton, and a few others. Whats your point? Irish slaves came cheap (no more than 5 Sterling). She was so angry, thats not what Jesus looks like, so I said how do you know,? Black Irish Band, American folk music musical group. Well, human enough to retain their own name. There have always been slaves, everywhere, all over the world, just as there has always been war and violence. I totally agree with you that all Irish were not slaves. There has been slavery of some form for as long as humans have been homosapiens. The Vikings were often referred to as the "dark invaders" or "black foreigners." It was these conquerors who sold off the conquered to the Europeans. The Origins of the Term 'Black Irish'. The master, overseer, slave driver and all of their male relatives or any white male visiting a plantation for business purposes could access any black woman and rape her. As far as Slavery in jail(BS) They can do their time sitting in their cells doing nothing or they can work to earn money for the commissary or to help pay money they owe to the people or places on which they committed their crimes. Disgusting lies like this are akin to Holocaust Denial, and its no surprise that one of the authors circulating this myth, Michael Hoffman, is in fact an outspoken Holocaust Denier. History is only created in the past . And not just black and Irish, but other races/groups as well. O'Sullivan 4. However, this isnt auditing who had it better and who had it worse!!! 8 years now however somethings were very apolling, sad, disgusted me.shamed me. But there are many others who have suffered under slavery, the Irish as you mentioned here, also the Scottish, Jews (black, German, French..). I enjoy being educated, there is so much to learn that I wish our young people were taught, so they would love instead of hating each other. Debating its distinctions is appalling and only has in place in academia and never in culture or politics. McDonald, McFadden, and not take the last names of the slave owners, of Smith, Washington, Jefferson, like the black slaves did. Both explanations for why blacks have Irish last names are only partially true. If so then wheres the genetic descendantcy of white besides the colonizing unaltered British or whatever bloodline in the West Indies today? Unique and like no other, a mere uttering of an Irish family name and youre sure to know they hail from the Emerald Isle. The Irish Catholics did not not migrate voluntarily to the Americas until the 1850s when the Irish Potato Famine hit their country. Who were the black Irish? And a minority of slave owners were also black. (Thanks to Mike McCormick of the. From what I understand, the African slaves didnt have or use last names during that time period. The name Gallagher is "O Gallchobhair" which translates as "foreign help." Instead the only thing of Ireland you learn is that Dublin is its capital.. If it wasnt profitable, they wouldnt have done it. Slaves were never considered to be humans, but rather, chattel, and were subject to the whoms of their masters. There are many different races from different parts of the world, all with their own diverse history that share the same or similar skin colors. Keeping their Irish surnames would help to differentiate the two groups. Adam and Eve are my ancestors as well as yours DNA has proven that we all tie to the original humans they lived in Africa. Lets not forget the largely convenient (for the British) Great Famine (one of many actually, and not the greatest either) with saw 1 to 2 million starve to death, and several more million emigration since the Plantation, settlement and colonization of Ireland. They account for a lot of the Irish sounding names in the south, whether they were Scots names, or co opted Irish names, they do not belong to the Irish family system. One of the most famous people with the surname Quinn is actor Aidan Quinn. "X" became the chosen surname of many black nationalists who rejected their slave names. Famous OCarrolls include British archaeological illustrator, painter, and sculptor John Patrick OCarroll. Copyright 2019 - 2023 Ireland Before You Die | Trading under, TOP 100 Irish surnames / last names (info & facts). They dont even notice it (MEAN). There was discrimination and stereotyping of Irish, and there were many Irish supporting the abolition movement, and later solidarity with the civil rights movement. Also Indians are not Asians either. Yeah, well done Harrison, first bit I read about James IIs proclamation 8 years before he was even born cracked me up! It should be titled How SOME Blacks Have Irish Names the Who, When, Where matters. ? Irish slaves suffered as much as black people did so they married each other?? Thanks for your research. The surname Black was first found in Lincolnshire where they held a family seat from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D. Murray 19. We should remember this and not let one injustice isnt used to counter the other. What a lot of people dont know is that Irish were slaves too, hundreds of thousands were sent to work in the West Indies and they blended with the black slaves thus we have Irish names like McFadden, McDonalds, etc. And why so many Georgians have stories about helping that White boy run to the mountains. Dunne From the Irish for brown (donn), the original Irish name Duinn has by now lost the O prefix. Karen, first and foremost thank you for your reply. The difference being, that African Americans are one of the oldests ethnic groups in America, and the majority of Irish being relatively new. A third article One issue was the Federal Government vs Individual States rights. I will never make any claim of who was better off or who had it worse. Google how and why enslaving whites/Christians was outlawed in the U.S. Im not going to do the research for you. To review, my points are thus: Please do not confuse the two. I guess that depends on what you consider Irish? The Romans anyone? Although there were Irish Pirates who participated in the slave trade on behalf of France, they did not discriminate and would take Irish or African slaves to sell. Thanks for sharing. We shouldnt be in the business of a numbers game when it comes measuring ils with a much smaller indigenous culture (the native Gaelic Catholics) of Ireland with as compared to the West and Sub-Saharan African regions. ack sure the English were only RAPEING women and children for 800 years talking are homes are lands hanging us for are religion we were slaves to the English for years ack and sure only 1 million people died of starvation watching there kids dieing one by one resorting to poor houses were you worked for food. Thus, welcoming a new wave of dark-complexioned Irish people. I think it is dishonest to compare slavery based on race with indentured servitude or slavery based on economic status or country of origin. In the middle east a milder form of it still exists. So I picked up those big fat ugly crayons .. However it is thought to refer to invaders throughout Irish history. The Healy familiar is a wonderful exemplar. Blog where a high school dropout or even a liam hogan can go and change irish slavery to irish indentured servitude on a daily basis lolto those who used him as your source grow up!!!!!! Youll find that most often the enslaved are identified by age and gender only. Other theories suggest that the term Black Irish results from Irish immigrants. and; who wants to admit that, its not something to be proud ofin fact irish people when they arrived as immigrants in the late 1800s ..after the irish slavery of the 1600s in New England and Virginia, South Carolina,etc.they were given guns to go fight a war right after they landed, literally!!!!! Norman-Catholic gentry? Was that part of their original contract? It did not begin that way even for Blacks/Africans. The numbers and the periods have also been exaggerated to make the act look gross and longer. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. And so white planters were secured in their thinking that slaves were disposable because they could easily be created. That meant they came here and worked their debt off and paid for their freedom. This is what we know today as the Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Saharan slave trades. Perhaps this is were we can find common ground and open the conversation of race relations. Copyright 2019 - 2023 Ireland Before You Die | Trading under, THE BLACK IRISH: Who were they? Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. The slave trade was/is not a race issue, its a humanitarian one. According to the Central Statistics Office, Murphy is consistently the most prominent surname across Ireland. The native Gaelic ODubhdaleithe Sept of County Cork also sometimes anglicized their name as Dudley, as well as the more usual Dowdall. To reiterate; were talking about the entire South American continent. One of the most famous Duffys is rock musician Billy Duffy. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was subject to a number of influxes of foreign people. Enjoy! Thank you for sharing the madness and anger that lives within my Irish family. Irish whiskey producer Black Irish has agreed to rebrand and sell its name to singer Mariah Carey's cream liqueur brand following a two-year legal battle. Black Dutch (genealogy) Black Dutch is a term with several different meanings in United States dialect and slang. Yet, let me put it this way, why does it seem like every black person wants to deny irish history? Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the masters free workforce. Yes, Irish were often seen as lower than low, called black Irish or Irish niggers, but dont confuse abusive language with being a slave. Interesting. Black people dont think or worry about slavery. 8. But, are we talking about African slavery? O'Reilly 12. The most common Irish surnames in Ireland haven't changed much for a century. Kennedy 17. If you didnt have money you had nothing. One of the most famous OConnells is singer-songwriter Billie Eilish who was born Billie Eilish Pirate Baird OConnell. Kerry Meaning: "black-haired" "dark-haired" "dark-haired clan" Variations: Keri, Kerri, Kari, Carrie, Cerise, Cherise, Cherri, Cherry This explains why many of my DNA ancestors carry Mitochondrial European DNA and such high percentages. Black Name Meaning English and Scottish: chiefly from Middle English blak (e) 'black' (Old English blc blaca) a nickname given from the earliest times to a swarthy or dark-haired man. So what is it that makes all so called White skinned folks exactly like one another? I cannot speak for what may have happened in America and it is true that we Irish dont suffer from racism in this day and age. The Scottish Picts and Celts certainly had darker skins than the invading Anglo-Saxons who may have given them that nickname. Another theory of the origin of the term "Black Irish" is that these people were descendants of Spanish traders who settled in Ireland and even descendants of the few Spanish sailors who were washed up on the west coast of Ireland after the disaster of the Spanish Armada of 1588.
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