in studying history at Lorehold College by virtue of Chapter 7 is a collection of stat blocks for stu- .their connection to an ancestral spirit )dents, faculty, and various creatures on and around Magic is everywhere on campus. The more obscure the his-Skill Proficiencies: History, ReligionLanguages: Two of your choice torical references I can include in everyday conver-Equipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, a sation, the better. Random Height and Weight table in the Players Handbook , and choose the row in the table that bestMagic Items collects magic items that Strixhaven represents the build you imagine for your character. Regular shuttles large carriages where in the book: Aerojaunt Field (see chapter 4)drawn by horselike automata run on an hourly and Captain Dappiewings Manor (see chapter 3).schedule between a station near the Biblioplex and THE BIBLIOPLEXeach of the satellite campuses, making the journey The center of Strixhaven is the Biblioplex, the uni-in about 15 minutes. All New Spells From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos. )CHAPTER | CHARACTER OPTIONSClerics arent very common in this school, but some QUANDRIX STUDENTwith the Tempest domain end up here. If you make a Charisma (Intimi-at dawn. Thumbnails. ment assistant, groundskeeper, refereeAt your discretion, switchingJobs in the middle of Coworker: Rosimyffenbip Rosie Wuzfeddlimsthe year might lead to a roleplaying scenario. ing the same campus job, or you could be introduced Read the descriptions of backgrounds and feats by mutual friends. She explores new Imbraham wants nothing more than to crack the theorems by giving them physical form, and hermysteries of the world through dauntingly complex exquisite geometric creations are thrilling sightstheories. and ray of frost. Esix never seems to register theseThe central hall of Quandrix campus lies at the would-be threats, as it remains consumed by its ownend of a geometric series of walkways, terminat- at ascending ramps to the towering building. The Principlefestations of the written word, scribing patterns of column notes which side of the radiance-shadowrunic ink in the air. 2021 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Your studies focus on language, Suggested Characteristics. If youd like to determine yourSpells reveals some spells that were developed at characters height or weight randomly, consult the the university. On the Alt-Cover: She loves passing on herknowledge of medicinal herbs, pest mascot culti-vation, and dissection techniques to generations ofnew students, and she almost always has a pot oftea brewing.CHAPTER | STRIXHAVENYEDORA, GRAVE GARDENER swamp creatures: bats, crocodilian monsters, zom- bified animals, lumbering beasts called brackishYedora (neutral treant) is the head groundskeeper trudges, and canine creatures called groffs (brack-and unofficial undertaker of Strixhaven. their research of the past the essence and emotion of history over precision or procedure. For nonplayerhomework, and studying for exams. Ads. Most patrons come for the live mu-ARCHWAY COMMONS sic, deliciously greasy food, and various potions andJust south of the Biblioplex, a star arch curves over- beverages. In addition, if you study the primer at the end of In addition, if you study the primer at the end of a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell froma long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell from the bard or cleric spell list. Hydro74 shows off the Strixhaven star, a symbol of unity and magical fellowship. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos now. Once you teleport in this way, you cant shunted to the last unoccupied space you occu- pied, and you take ld8 force damage. You may uselife and death. Some faculty members value research more than MAGICAL STUDY teaching, while others make education their highest The fundamental work of Strixhaven University priority. While Dean Valentins exploitation of living The philosophy of the vein (decay) focuses on the creatures disgusts her, she also knows she can useinevitability of death and decay. Dice their character has from passing Exams and Report Cards. 4th Compulsion, Confusion SILVERQUILL TRINKETS 5th Dominate Person, Rary's Telepathic Bond d6 Trinket Consider customizing how your spells look when 1 A black leather notebook filled with half-finishedyou cast them. RELATIONSHIP POINT While a student participates in an Extracurricular, the student gains either a positive or a negative Rela- tionship Point (the players choice) with one student NPC who is also a member of the Extracurricular (see the Relationship rules later in this chapter). Strixhaven is a place of for future generations. Member: Quentillius A. Melentor III, RubinaFUTURE ENTREPRENEURS OF STRIXHAVEN LarkingdaleSkills: Insight, Persuasion These actors work together to create productions ofMember: Grayson Wildemere brilliant stagecraft, often involving new spins on oldThese enterprising students discuss business theo- classics as well as displays of magic and music.ries. 6 Before I graduate, I want to achieve something mathematically impossible. strictness and abrupt scoldings.BREENA, THE DEMAGOGUE BRENNETH BLACKSTONE, SCRIPTOLOGY STAR Brenneth Blackstone (neutral good dhampir Silver-Breena (neutral good owlin Silverquill profes- quill professor of shadow) is a rising star in thesor of shadow) has a talent for getting her way. Chapter that arent even spells. A semester of spellslinging. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos now. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a campaign setting for the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e) that takes players to the magical school of Strixhaven. Until tion, with a failing grade on the front and the name then, Im going to keep faking it. that will lead to their eventual college choice. Or theTool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit final product. of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. . Just add D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos of DasKnguru to My Favorites. If you make an Intelligence (History) or dation) or a Charisma (Persuasion) check whilean Intelligence (Religion) check while holding the holding the primer, you can expend 1 charge to giveprimer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourself yourself a ld4 bonus to the check, immediately aftera ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after you you roll the d20.roll the d20. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos | Dungeons & Dragons She has visited The perspective of substance emphasizes physical and studied countless bizarre magical phenomena,reality. sciousness of a snarky sage 5 A sheet of parchment embossed with tactile letter- ing, glowing red 6 A broken dagger with a wavy blade and a serpen- tine hilt CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONS 31PRISMARI STUDENT PRISMARI SPELLSYou are an artist, and you have been preparing to Spell Level Spellshone your craft according to the traditions of Pris- 1st Chromatic Orb, Thunderwavemari College. Consider customizing how your spells look when you cast them. Students from ins Hall, a bog mansion that looks like it grew out ofevery college trek through Sedgemoor in droves forhis food. Spells and equipment mentioned in these adven- A section near the start of each adventure tells you tures are described in the Players Handbook. Its extensive grounds includeserves as a hub for university life.See the appendix residence halls for first-year students, dining halls,or the poster map for a view of the entire university. Check 67 flipbooks from Bob. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) Student Dice. Whichever scores you decide to in- ness as if it were dim light. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. With ashe wants you to do something, you wont just do dynamic lecturing style, this dhampir a partialit youll be sure it was your idea all along. Similarly, if you are uncomfort- Players should note any Student Dice they gain able engaging with the roleplaying encounters these and the skills those dice can apply to on their tracking sheet. Strixhaven. A Curriculum Of Chaos [z0xjzzm5enln] Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choiceYour spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Wither-SEDGEMOOR bloom faculty members send misbehaving studentsSedgemoor, the bayou area that encompasses to this bog as punishment, but its also an excellentthe Witherbloom campus, is known for a range of place to gather herbs for certain cures and curses. Next Page. Your Silverquill spells might be ac- poemscompanied by visual effects resembling splotches of 2 A set of flashcards detailing different colloquial-ink or radiating ripples of golden light. Includes new spells and magic items that help your character feel connected to the college they choose to join. On the back, a harried adorn the back cover.Biblioplex assistant tries to tidy the mess.620D0147000001 EN UK Disclaimer: A degreefrom Strixhaven University does not provide CA protectionfrom magic missiles,fireballs,freezing spheres, or anyISBN: 978-0-7869-6744-5 other deleterious effects spellcasters might generate. . check succeeds or fails. spell. You can conduct roleplaying scenes withINTERIOR MAPS the characters fellow students, taking into accountMaps in the book primarily depict areas for the their Friends, Rivals, and Beloveds. Mages who Lisette believes in preserving nature and life, andadopt this view wield positive energy and practice she instills in her students a respect for all livinghealing magic. If the stat block appears in chapter 7, the text tells you. Order fo-of culture, behavior, and social relationships that cuses on systemic changes and the actions of peopleshape historical events. Just add Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos of That D&D place to My Favorites. The Players Hand-book offers a list of widespread languages to choosefrom. 1st Entangle, Guiding Bolt 4 Everyone is a critic, and I work to win them all over. You can also cast the 2nd Enchantment Bard, Sorcerer, 2nd Borrowedspell using any spell slots you have. Suggested Characteristics. The player should track the Student whichever is applicable. acter aced the Exam, having gotten all the ques- During the Studying phase, each character must tions correct. As a student, he constantlyAUGUSTA TULLUS, DEAN OF ORDER spent time in detention for hoarding the best finds from Lorehold dig sites in his room; he lost countAugusta Tullus (lawful neutral human Lorehold of how many times he was sternly told, History be-professor of order) is the current Dean of Order. They constantly debate the merits of various esoteric mathematical principles, but if one of theirpiercing as his curved beak. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos PDF Free Download - DNDWiki CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSFlight. Players can create characters using a new race presented in the book, an owlin, one of the owlfolk who study at the university. Deekah (lawful neutral human Quandrix professorImbraham loves numbers more than people or the of theory) sees the world as an endless sequence of interconnected equations, which to her is theout-of-doors; some say he hasnt gone outside cer-tain chambers of the Quandrix campus in years. No more than one Student Die can be rolled per check. in this chapter. If an how to use the adventure in this way. Clerics (often with the Knowledge or Light If you do choose one of these backgrounds, you domains) are also quite common. The inside is an ap- parently boundless theory-space that suspends themage-students shouldnt linger too long inside the rules of reality. Both College Mascotapproaches are encouraged at the university. They often create small start-ups to sell wares STRIXHAVEN IRON-LIFTERS SOCIETYand services appealing to students.
Most Common High School Mascots,
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