Wanna play?
If you like playing with your skills here's an interesting chance to test your memory.
Let’s keep the balance
Too many posts at once but all in Hellenic (Greek), eh? I apologize to my English readers but, trust me, you don't lose much.
Goodbye Mr. President…
Today is the last day of the most decent, noble and elegant President of the Hellenic Democracy. After ten whole years he served us and the highest values of our nation, the time to say goodbye to him has come.
You smokers!
There's something for you! There's a (comic) hero daring enough to fight demons to exchange his place in hell and I'm sure most of you will fell in his shoes at least concerning his "bad habits" up to the last few minutes of the movie…
Site news
It is not a high speed precedure but it works; my web site has started taking its shape. If you want you may leave you comment about it under this post.
Flash news
Well, this time I'll avoid apologizing for leaning my blog on its own forand I'll go strait to the subject, which is…