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Well, this time I'll avoid apologizing for leaning my blog on its own forand I'll go strait to the subject, which is…

that all this time too many good things have happened and first of all my love offered me a great present, my own url: "". As you may see I have lots to take care of so as my website is decent enough to be uploaded.

Of course my website was not the only thing I had to do all this time. In the basics I can count the music lessons I've started with a promising young talent of MET that cost me have of my evenings (nothing's free, right?) but increased my commute time that allowed me to read more books!

Well, reading one more book maybe says nothing, but some of the books I read lately became favorite as George Orwell's masterpiece 1984. More details in the relevant posts.

καταχωρήθηκε σε English, News, Personal

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