It’s always hard when you discover yourself
The second week of the Orthodox Easter I had a great chance with the choir of Alexandria to visit the Western Coast of Turkey, Minor Asia.
The second week of the Orthodox Easter I had a great chance with the choir of Alexandria to visit the Western Coast of Turkey, Minor Asia.
Τι μπορεί να κάνει κανείς όταν δουλεύει πολύ και δεν αντέχει ούτεδευτερόλεπτο ξύπνιος στο λεωφορείο προς το πατρικό του, ενώ η «γυναίκα» του έχει όρεξη για κουβέντα και δεν ξέρει πώς να την ξεγελάσει για να ξεκλέψει καμιά ώρα ύπνου;
There's something for you! There's a (comic) hero daring enough to fight demons to exchange his place in hell and I'm sure most of you will fell in his shoes at least concerning his "bad habits" up to the last few minutes of the movie…
On my last post, where I refered to the important things happening lately I really forgot something major, the elections for the U.S. president!
Ladies and Gentlemen this is my logo. I made it with a lot of love and energy and I absolutely appreciate any comments on it.