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Gmail invitations


For a few months now, Tassos and I are happy gmail user. Among others facilities we receive some invitations for other people we know that want to subscribe to gmail. If you are interested to just read the main text to see how it works.

Up to now, gmail, the google mail service is running in beta so subscription is not absolutely open to the public.

Actually, the system periodically sends ««invitations» to the subscribed members so as they can send them to people they know they are interested for a new email account. As you may guess Tassos and I have covered all the «friends’ and family’s» needs and still we got left about ten more.

So if you want a gmail invitation, you may publish a comment at this post with your email and we’ll sent you the invitation the soonest possible. We just recommend you replace «@» with «AT» just to avoid email detectors working for the spammers.

καταχωρήθηκε σε English, Miscellaneus, News

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