The Hellenic (Greek) Power /// Η Ελληνική Δύναμη
«A picture equals a thousand words»,
«Μία εικόνα ίσον με χίλιες λέξεις», σωστά;
«A picture equals a thousand words»,
«Μία εικόνα ίσον με χίλιες λέξεις», σωστά;
The Hellenic (Greek) National TV seems to have the antidote to the «Babel Virus» that has been infecting media people of the country.
Αν και πολέμιος των απανταχού μισάνθρωπων, λίγα λεπτά ήταν αρκετά για να λατρέψω τον ευφυέστερο μισογύνη του κόσμου… το αριστουργηματικό διήγημα του James Gunn, » Ο Μισογύνης».
A deadly virus seems to have infected every single Greek journalist, reported and the majority of those who dare to appear in a "TV window". Apparently it is the "Babel Virus" and has a special connection with the Kenteris – Thanou issue.
Just in the spirit of the games here is a translation of the Olympic Anthem (its a trial of mine). It was written by Costis Palamas and composed by Spyros Samaras for the first Olympic Games in 1986. I find it deeply representative of the Olympic spirit and its worthy to read it at least once. You may find the original text in Greek in this post
Στο πνεύμα των Ολυμπιακών αγώνων αξίζει να ρίξουμε έστω και μια γρήγορη ματιά στον αντιπροσωπευτικότατο Ολυμπιακό ύμνο. Για την ιστορία, γράφτηκε το 1986 για του πρώτους σύγχρονους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες από τον Κωστή Παλαμά και μελοποιήθηκε από τον Σπύρο Σαμάρα.
As it is proved, once more, by the fine Olympic Opening celebration last night, Greeks still have a good sense of beauty. Considering this a fact, it is easy to understand that they weren’t really excited when they first saw their Olympic Mascots. I was one of these disappointed Greeks and I couldn’t see how it is possible the same people who had the inspiration for the fine logo of the Games could create «these roughly-cut artifacts»! But only until yesterday, when a flash stroke me and I remembered few of the previews mascots to realize that they are not that bad after all.
It's 05.30' in the morning and I just had one of my most relaxing chats of my life.